The SDK — a Gateway for any DeFi Application

Autobahn Network
2 min readOct 16, 2020

The Tixl DeFi Ecosystem, with the Autobahn Network as the core technology, not only serves as a platform for products native to Tixl (such as the Tixl Wallet and Tixl Exchange) but also opens up a world of opportunity for any third-party DeFi applications. This can be done by using our SDK/API.

Today we have released the first parts of our SDK/API!

In this article, we want to outline some potential use-cases for other projects and/or developers that want to take advantage of instant, almost zero-fee and AML-compliant private transactions for their DeFi products.

Note: The technical SDK documentation can be found here. This article only lists some of the potential use-cases.

Areas where the Tixl SDK could add Real Value

  • Yield Farming:
    Algorithm-supported strategies allowing users to generate returns by putting their crypto holdings to work.
  • Social Farming:
    Social media activities of community members supporting a project in return for rewards.
  • Liquidity Programming:
    New technology used by the Tixl Exchange (to be announced soon).
  • Payments:
    Borderless transactions without middlemen charging fees.
  • Lending:
    Borrowing or lending crypto assets to other network participants according to rules set in smart contracts that are executed decentralized.
  • Oracles:
    Decentralized systems that bring real-world information like price-feeds into blockchains.
  • Decentralized Insurance:
    Utilizing the blockchain technology and oracles to share risks among members with automated payouts.
  • and many more…

Example: Use-cases for “Payments”

  • Build a plugin for e-commerce shops (e.g. Shopify, WordPress, etc.), so people can pay with cryptocurrency. With almost zero fees and instant and AML-compliant private transactions in the Autobahn Network, this could be a game-changer.
  • Build social networks, or plugins for existing ones, to allow users to send BTC (or other coins) back and forth quickly and very cheaply.
  • Use Tixl’s Autobahn Network for Tipbots.
  • Use the SDK to connect decentralized applications. Even though the Autobahn Network does not have its own Smart Contract engine or virtual machine, you could build decentralized applications by having Autobahn Network accounts which are managed by a pool of validators which share the accounts’ keys through threshold signature schemes.
  • Build tools so that gamers can use cryptocurrencies for in-game-payments in online multiplayer games.

Just the beginning

The above is a very brief list of potential use-cases, there are at least 1,000 more!

You can use your imagination to come up with anything where you need instant, almost zero-fee, fully AML-compliant transactions. This is what Tixl’s Autobahn Network and the SDK were designed for.

Developers can contact us by writing to We would be happy to contribute to and/or help with any solution built on top of the Autobahn Network.

